Welcome to the NYC Area! Join our Sunday worship services at the following locations and times.

Brooklyn: 1:00 pm
343 Court Street, Brooklyn, NY
F or G trains to Carroll Street, or B57 bus.
Bishop Kelly contact: (646) 284-7752
Princeton: 1:00 pm
(Sacrament Meeting 2:00pm)
901 Canal Point Blvd, Princeton, NJ
Branch President Nielsen contact: (609) 240-2100
Hudson River: 1:00 pm
360 Lenox Avenue, NY, New York 10027-3132
Bishop Carter contact: (703) 867-1041
Newark: 1:45 pm
130 Orange Street, Newark, New Jersey, 07102
Bishop Craig Russell: (201) 859-2332
Union Square: 12:30 pm
144 West 15th Street, NY, New York , 10011-6702
Bishop Josh Porter contact: (212) 518-1880
Plainview: 1:00 pm
160 Washington Avenue, Plainview, NY
Long Island Rail Road to Hicksville, then taxi.
Branch President Whitney: (516) 359-0926
Yorkville: 11:30 am
217 East 87th Street, NY, New York
Bishop Norris Chappell contact: (917) 434-7766
NYC SA Ward: 1:00 pm
(Sacrament Meeting: 2:00 pm)
144 West 15th Street, NY, New York , 10011-6702
Bishop Scott Erickson contact: (208) 340-4055
Bronx: 3:00 pm
211 E Kingsbridge Road, Bronx NY 10458
President Jose Romero contact: (680) 223-3652