Upcoming events.
Manhattan Ward Conference
217 East 87th Street, NY, New York
Bishop Norris Chappell contact: (917) 434-7766
East Brunswick Branch Conference
901 Canal Point Blvd, Princeton, NJ
Branch President Nielsen contact: (609) 240-2100
Regional DC Conference
English: All single adults ages 18-35 are invited to attend Cities of Light: A Northeast YSA Conference. This is an event sponsored by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in the North America Northeast Area. We invite you all to come and participate in a weekend full of activities, service, new friends and experiences. This is an annual event which is being hosted this year in Washington, DC. It will be Friday, September 20 - Sunday, September 22. Tickets will go on sale May 11th. For more details, reference the attached packet, visit the website at www.citiesoflightysa.org , follow us on Facebook at Cities of Light: A YSA Conference, and on Instagram @cities.of.light.ysa.conference. If you have any additional questions, please reach out to naneysaconference@gmail.com for more information! Looking forward to seeing you all at this event. Thanks, North American Northeast YSA Conference Committee
Spanish: Todos los adultos solteros de 18-35 años están invitados a asistir a Ciudades de Luz: una conferencia para jóvenes adultos solteros de Noreste. Este es un evento patrocinado por la Iglesia de Jesucristo de los Santos de los Últimos Dias en el Área Noreste de America del norte. Invitamos a todos a venir y participar de un fin de semana lleno de actividades, servicio, nuevos amigos y experiencias. Es un evento anual que se llevará a cabo en Washington, DC. La conferencia durará desde el 20 de septiembre - domingo 22 de septiembre. Los boletos saldrán a la venta el 11 de mayo. Para más detalles, visite el sitio web: www.citiesoflightysa.org , a través de Facebook: Cities of Light: A YSA Conference, y a través de Instagram: @cities.of.light.ysa.conference.
NYC SA Ward Conference
(Sacrament Meeting: 1:30 pm)
144 West 15th Street, NY, New York , 10011-6702
Bishop Scott Erickson contact: (208) 340-4055
Waveny Park Ward Conference
834 Stillwater Road, Stamford, CT
Bishop Ward contact: (203) 856-3008
Stake Temple Night
Join us for our next Stake Temple Trip to the Hartford Temple on Saturday, July 20!
The NY NY YSA stake will be renting a bus for members of the stake to travel to the temple. Members will be asked to pay $30 for the roundtrip travel. If this cost will keep you from attending please reach out to your bishop as the stake can make arrangements, especially for those who will be attending for the first time.
A few things to note:
Bus ticket availability is limited and on a first come, first serve basis. There will be two bus times available for this trip so please buy the bus ticket for the time associated with your ordinance.
The stake will not be providing lunch during this trip. Please be prepared with any snacks or lunch items you will need. There will be time allotted for everyone to eat on the drive back to Manhattan.
RSVP for a time slot to perform temple ordinances through this page only if you are commuting via the bus. If you are driving yourself or taking other transportation please contact Meghan Freeze so we can add you to our ordinance list. Please only RSVP for one ordinance so that others may enjoy the temple.
Please double check that your temple recommend is active before signing up for a slot (we'd hate to have you show up and not be able to participate!).
Clothing rental will NOT be available at the Hartford temple, so if you are planning to do any ordinances outside of baptisms you must bring your own clothing.
A brief itinerary of the day's events is below:
Bus Group 1:
9:30AM: Bus leaves from Manhattan to drive to Hartford
11:30AM: Bus arrives in Hartford
11:30AM - 12PM: Prepare for sessions
12-2PM: Temple work
2:30PM: Bus leaves to drive back to Manhattan
5-5:30PM: Arrive in Manhattan
Bus Group 2:
11:30AM: Bus leaves from Manhattan to drive to Hartford
1:30PM: Bus arrives in Hartford
1:30PM - 2PM: Prepare for sessions
2-4PM: Temple work
4:30PM: Bus leaves to drive back to Manhattan
7-7:30PM: Arrive in Manhattan
More information can be found and members can reserve their spot to attend HERE.Please contact your bishop or Meghan Freeze at meghanf19@gmail.com with any questions or concerns.
Plainview Branch Conference
160 Washington Avenue, Plainview, NY
Long Island Rail Road to Hicksville, then taxi.
Branch President Whitney: (516) 359-0926
Harlem Ward Conference
360 Lenox Avenue, NY, New York 10027-3132
Bishop Steve Brown contact: (435) 671-8296
Hoboken Ward Conference
(Sacrament Meeting: 2:15pm)
130 Orange Street, Newark, New Jersey, 07102
Bishop Chester Elton: (908) 230-0988